Thank you in advance for taking the time to listen to this inspiring new song from one of Detroit’s own, Mr. Parkes Stewart. "Wanna Be Heard" is a soulful thoughtful provoking new track for 2021 which speaks to today’s social climate in a way that brings about a sense of inner healing and self- reflection. "Wanna Be Heard" serves as an inspiration for those individuals who may be experiencing hardships during these challenging times as well as those that just appreciate high quality new music. In addition to the solid production on the track, Parkes Stewart's smooth vocals and powerful delivery set the tone for a song of mass appeal for a diverse audience. With the nation having so many people with so many opinions on so many things as Parkes stress in this song. He made it clear that he knows that "VOICES ARE CRYING OUT NOW WANTING TO BE HEARD" but we can talk about it because "ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS " he also says in this powerful song "EVERYBODY HAS THEIR OWN OPINION" but "COMMON GROUND IS AN AGREEMENT" & "BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE" because Parkes Stewart "BELIEVE IN UNITY." All of these wonderful much needed words are now needed to be heard by our nation. Please listen to each word carefully that was written for diversity for all of our nationalities. At COPAID Entertainment, (Company or People Already in Diversity) our vision is to create content which appeals to a vast audience and we believe that "Wanna Be Heard" is the cornerstone of which our company is built upon. I invite you to join us in our mission of delivering diverse quality music by sharing this exciting new song with your listeners. We know the radios stations have their own business platform to play a record. We just hope with all your leadership you can help to show a beautiful Detroiter as Parkes Stewart, who already has a history from writing so many hits with the group "Commission". He deserves his recognition for this Great Song that is rather uplifting instead of a sad tone. Please take a listen to "Wanna Be Heard" at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions in regards to interviews, performances etc, please feel free to contact me. Thank you in advance.
Artist: Parkes Stewart
Track: Wanna Be Heard
Genre/Format: R&B / Soul / Urban
The MP3 is now available for download by pool members
#ParkesStewart #WannaBeHeard #DRT #BDS #Mediabase #RadioPromo #GoingForAdds