HTL Consulting Group
M u s i c P r o m o t i o n S e r v i c e s
#Aircheck Samples

Local - Regional - National - International


Radio Spins
Get Guaranteed Radio Airplay
Over the years technology has radically changed the way radio conducts its business. In the early 90’s, a company called Broadcast Data Systems unveiled a new software to help radio stations and record labels keep better track of the number of times a record got played on a station. Today’s music-industry trade magazines track the exact number of spins a song gets every week on all stations that report playing it. These spins are called Plays Per Week (PPW) in the charts. Knowing exactly how many times a song is played can be very beneficial to both radio stations and record labels. Every time a song is played on a commercial station, the song’s unique ID number tracks it. Reports of the number of plays each song gets are sent to the BDS offices, where they can compile very accurate national PPW reports on the cumulative number of spins each song gets every week on the various music-formatted commercial radio stations.
Many music artists are completely unaware that 95% of radio station DJ’s have little or no power over what gets played on radio stations! They press the buttons, introduce songs, entertain the listeners and, maybe take a request now and then, but for the most part they do not pick what songs play during their show. The music that you hear on the radio is precisely scheduled down to the second and run by a complex digital scheduling system. Each song on the station’s playlist is assigned a certain amount of plays, or as the industry calls them, “spins”, and those spins are arranged throughout the day and night. Mediabase is the dominant company that helps Music Directors and Program Directors put together playlists to create effective rotations of programmed songs. View a sample spin report here.
Mediabase has contributed to streamlining the job of creating and maintaining accurate programming logs. Most commercial radio stations no longer play actual CDs, instead, radio stations use computer programs that store the selected songs are then simply accessed by the DJ on duty, and played at the time they are scheduled for airplay. And not just any song makes it into this rotation! Depending on the station, there are only 13-40 spots for new songs on the playlist at any given time, with only a handful of spots for new songs each week! At most stations, the Music Director, or Program Director, or Program Manager is the person or persons charged with this task. Not only do they choose which songs make it onto the air, but they pick how many times each song will get played! This is the person you need to get your records to, and form a relationship with. Either directly if possible or indirectly.
HTL Consulting Group's Radio Airplay Network is your solution for effective radio promotion amd marketing! Imagine finally receiving actual airplay that your friends, family and fans can hear…Collect Royalties on your airplay….while getting your song in a position to be heard by millions!
Radio Airplay Network Promotion – The Radio Airplay Network is not only a direct submission service where we digitally deliver your next single directly to key radio station programmers and disc jockeys, but a GUARANTEED AIRPLAY SERVICE. Does this sound too good to be true?
Unlike many others who simply just service your music, we GUARANTEE IT WILL ACTUALLY GET SPINS! How are we able to do this? The Radio Airplay Network and it’s affiliates have maintained relationships and strategic partnerships with radio station owners, program directors, music directors and disc jockeys in order to GUARANTEE that your music is not just HEARD by them, but PLAYED by them!
The strong relationships that we have nurtured and developed have allowed us to market records within the radio community at all levels (Internet, Satellite, College and Terrestrial Commercial FM Radio) SUCCESSFULLY. As a client of The Radio Airplay Network , it is possible for you to start receiving real radio airplay within the next 72 hours!!
How It Works:
STEP # 1: Review and select the desired radio campaign you desire for your music. Once your music is submitted to us (MP3 format only), you will receive a confirmation email stating that we have received all the required information and files.
STEP # 2: Your music will be encoded with the necessary industry monitoring firms. This process takes 48 hours (excluding weekends) to complete. An official “Going For Adds” date will be assigned for your release (typically within one week after we receive your music), which notifies the radio station programmers of our interest to have your music added to rotation.
STEP # 3: We will digitally deliver your broadcast quality MP3 (128 kbps or better) to stations for airplay consideration on your “Add” date. Your music will be saved on our servers where radio station programmers will have access to it anytime during your campaign.
STEP # 4: Our sales staff will follow-up with the station programmers via both phone calls and emails to confirm they have your music and are considering it for airplay. In addition, an E-Blast of your music will be sent to the station programmers one week after the “Add” date as a reminder of your music and to reemphasize direct visibility and awareness.
STEP # 5: You will receive weekly internal tracking reports based on (BDS / Mediabase or DigitalRadioTracker (DRT) Report). These custom reports will include the stations that added your music to rotation, the number of spins you received for the week, total spin count per station and much more!
The Radio Airplay Network offers a GUARANTEED airplay service at an affordable rate. Start getting airplay within the next 72 hours from our various station affiliates! Let us help you start building YOUR strong radio airplay history today!
How Do I Chart on BillBoard?
In the pre-Spotify era, the Billboard charts were based on albums/single sales and radio airplay. With the introduction of streaming services, the formula changed to 35–45% sales, 30–40% airplay, and 20–30% streaming.* Radio Airplay Network promotion campaigns are designed to help your song get noticed by BillBoard and the other important industry trade and charting publications.

PLEASE NOTE! Only submit professionally mixed and mastered material. We reserve the right to refuse ANY music submissions that we feel DO NOT meet our quality standards or music that don’t meet our media affiliates standards.